Monday, September 8, 2008


Change is inevetible. Merriam Webster defines change (in the noun sense) as an alteration, transformation, or substitution. I cannot count on all of my appendages the number of changes that happen in a single day at our house.

But, last week Scott and I were presented with one of, if not THE, biggest change we may be facing in the very near future. As much as I would love to spill details with you all, I just can't yet. But, trust me, I will as soon as the time is right.

In the process of life, we are faced with so much uncertainty and that is very unappealing for a control freak such as myself. But, some things are just not in our control. We can, however, choose to hand our control over to The One who is. And, that's just what we've decided to do. Our ultimate goal in this life is to live according to God's will and not ours. And, so, we've chosen to hope, believe, and trust in that. Our prayer is that whatever happens, wherever we are, and in whatever we do - God will be right there with us. We come to you all asking for prayer for wisdom and discernment for Scott and I, doors to open where they need be, and shut where they need be. We'll be right there on our knees with you!

I was given this song this morning and I just can't help but let it wrap itself around my weary heart:
I will praise You in this storm
And I will lift my hands
For You are who You are
No matter where I am
And every tear I've cried
You hold in Your hand
And though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm

(In case you're wondering....that's Casting Crown's "Praise You in This Storm".)

Thanks so much for being there for us! Thanks for being interested in our lives and thanks for loving us so much! We appreciate it beyond words!