Thursday, April 3, 2008

On The Mend...........

We're moving along.......Aidan is doing better at times. He's really struggled with the pain and is just now slowly starting to eat again. There's a flu'ish bug in our house and I think he may have a touch of it, on top of recovering from surgery, on top of chicken pox, so that doesn't help at all. But, we're getting there!
Darby and I have to be at one of the elementary schools in our district tonight for dress rehearsals for her Talent Show tomorrow night. She and 5 other girls made up some cheers and will be performing them for everyone tomorrow. If you're in town and can make it, it's at Whitson Elementary on 17th Street at 7 p.m. I've heard there's even someone playing the air guitar - now THAT'S talent! :) I will try and get pictures tonight and tomorrow and post them.........