As of 11 a.m. yesterday, I am officially a non-working person. I thought it would feel weird, not having a "purpose" and then I walked in the door and saw huge piles of "purpose" in the sink, in the laundry hamper, in the kids' rooms....need I go on? I'm super excited for this summer, not that we have a lot planned because now we are minus one income, but I think it will be a good thing for the kids. Now, we'll just have to get into some sort of routine and not sleep in every morning. Which, for those of you who know me well and how I'm such a big fan of sleeping - this will be a struggle.
I'm excited for the opportunity for the kids to really spend time together. All these years they've been in separate classes, even at the same daycare, and so they are having to learn how to be each other's friend. Which is super-important to me. I talk to my brothers pretty much every day and wouldn't know what to do without their friendships. I really want my kiddos grow up to feel the same way about each other.
So, I implemented a really funny way of getting past bickering. Aidan loves it. Darby's not a big fan....
When they start arguing, I encourage them to work it out quickly or they know what's coming next.
They have to hold hands, first.
And, if that doesn't stop the arguing.... This usually does! :)
I know this picture doesn't look like anyone is having a bit of fun. But, after about a minute of standing like this, they start giggling and get over it.
This is going to be a fun summer!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Posted by The Martins at 1:56 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 2, 2008
I know, I know....
I've become TERRIBLE at updating this thing. Last Friday we went to the annual Royals game with our church and I kept meaning to put up's the thought that counts, eh?
Last year, when we went to the Royals game, it was BEAUTIFUL outside and we had a blast. This year.....well, I'll let you see for yourself....... Aidan and his best buddies, Titus and Ezra.
Darby and her friend, Melissa.
Four layers of clothes and winter the end of April.
In the only picture I have of Scott, he looks angry, I think it was just because his hiney was frozen.
In spite of the below-40 temperatures, $1 hot dogs (yum), and long, long, long drive was worth it. (Except for the part where we parked and the guy next to us let go of his door and it slammed into the side of our van with a loud "WHACK" - Yeah, that wasn't a good start to the whole evening!)
Posted by The Martins at 2:43 PM 0 comments