Monday, December 8, 2008

Nerves of Steel.....

I don't got 'em....

Today is the big day. 4:30 to be exact....I will be sitting in a teeny tiny cubicle testing my life away. I feel like I know the information, but at the same time, what if I don't know enough, or what if what I know isn't on the test - it'll be some obscure thing I forgot to look up or study? Is this test anxiety or what? I've heard of girls going in there and as soon as the door shuts, they start crying. Oh Lord, I hope that's not me.

Plus, my mama-mode is in high gear because Aidan is sick with a nasty cold and Darby is at the doctor's office as I speak having a strep test done. She spent most of the weekend with 103-104 degree temperatures and a sore throat. Thankfully, I have a good husband who is taking the day off to help me out.

So, there I am. Nerves a-dancin' like butterflies and the Luttjohann curse of "tummy nerves". I'll post tonight with my score......if it's worthy of sharing. If I don't, for some reason, pass - I will have to wait until I'm completely graduated and take it ON THE SAME DAY as the practical exam (the actual doing of hair and such, in front of proctors). You're talking an 8 hour process. SO, I'm really hoping that I won't even have to go there. Really, really hoping.....

Love you all - thanks so much for the prayers. They are more than appreciated!


Anonymous said...

I know you will do well. You have worked so hard for this and I just know you will pass with flying colors. I'm so proud of you!!!! I love you so much and my prayers and my love are with you today.

Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

You will do great! You've studied so much, I am sure it will be fine! Can't wait to hear your score...hope the kids start feeling better soon!