Thursday, August 27, 2009

Random thoughts...

I had a big happy blog all thought out in my head over the weekend and then everything just went to crap.
Two deaths, sick kiddo, laundry piled up...welcome to my life!
We're getting adjusted to the "real" life again. Working, school, PTA,'s all rushing back to me now. But, I can't complain too much. Things are going as smoothly as they possibly can. Aidan has a really bad cold and stayed home from school today. I'm thinking one good day of rest will help him get back on his feet again. But, at least there's no puking involved. And, it gives me a day to catch up a little (in between watching cartoons and waiting on a whiny 7 year old hand and foot).
One of my dearest and oldest friends' dad passed away unexpectedly and my great-uncle Leo also passed away this week. It's so good to know that they are both healthy and whole again in heaven...but, it's still so sad for those that are left here mourning. We've just about had enough deaths this summer. I'm hoping that, like everything else, this too shall pass...
I wish I had some pictures to post...but, I just don't. I'm hoping to get a little mini "tour" of our new house put together for those that haven't seen it, yet. But, I'm guessing the house will need to be clean for that...which may take awhile. :)
I just wanted to check in and let you know that I'm not taking another blogging sabbatical or had gone crazy from all of the insanity here. This weekend will be very busy and full of some exciting things so I should have a great post for next week.
Until then, know that I'm praying for each and everyone of you. This life is way too short to waste not telling everyone that you love just how much you love them or how often you think of them. I just love you all to bits and pieces and in no way, shape or form could have gotten through this last year without each and everyone of you! Big Hugs.....

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Back to Work!

Today was my first day back to work. I am working part-time at Scott's firm doing some admin stuff, small tax returns, and mostly payrolls for clients. I'm actually kind of excited to get back into an office environment, at least for a little while! The firm takes such good care of us and offered me the job until I figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life. Scott will be my "boss" so I'm excited to work with him throughout the week. We worked together the first 4 years of our dating/marriage which I thought would not work out (the working part, not the marriage part. okay, maybe sometimes both!) :), but, we do really well working together! Plus, he needs a chance to be in charge every once in awhile! It was so easy because I already know everyone and what the firm is about. It felt very comfortable going in today! The getting up at 6 a.m. - not so much. But, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!

I forgot how girly and pretty you feel when you get dressed up professionally. Thanks to some of my favorite people I was able to put together a brand new gorgeous outfit for my first day. Darby saw me this morning and said "Oh Mom, you look soo beautiful. Come over here...we need to take pictures of your first day!" So, I'm including the pictures of the fashion show. Don't pay any attention to the red's normal thanks to these wonderful things called hot flashes!

Tonight Aidan has his first soccer clinic. He's actually sitting here in his gear already. I'm thinking he might be excited? I can't wait to see how it goes. Although, if I hear "Is it time to go, yet?" one more time, I may have to kill him...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Welcome Back

Okay, so I know I took a break from blogging...obviously.
But, with my health and moving and everything else in our life it just seemed best if I spent my time focusing on the things that were in our face.
Now that we're getting back into the routine and making a new life here in KC, I thought it was high time I came back and did the thing...
We are moved. The kids are in school and I go to work TOMORROW!! It's been so awesome to see all of the prayers we begged for just covering our home, life, and everyday activities. So, thanks, for those that have been praying through our journey!
Obviously, things will not get less hectic, but, it will be nice to share thoughts, stories, prayer requests, and of course lots of pics as we get situated here.
Thanks for those of you still checking in on us. If you gave up, I don't blame you. But, if you're still here...welcome back. It's good to see you friend!

Changes, okay, revamping...

if you're still checking...bless your heart! but, i'm working on getting this back up again!! check back later!