Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Wild Weekend

We had a GREAT weekend and I just now finally got the pictures uploaded. I think there were over 100!
Friday night I overcame my co-dependancy and went to the Beth Moore simulcast by myself. I haven't really met anyone at our new church, yet, but I really, really wanted to go to the I put my big-girl britches on and went. There is nothing else like a Beth Moore Bible Study or Simulcast and if you ever want to be totally refreshed and reenergized by the Word of God you MUST do one of her studies! I could not have gotten through the last year without them!
On Satuday I had to miss the final day of the simulcast because the little mister had his first soccer game and I really didn't want to miss it. It was so cute...right before the game he looked at Scott and I and said "I'm scared...What if nobody remembers me?" I assured him that since they had just seen him 3 days before at practice I was certain that they would be able to remember him. I was really proud of him...he got out there and played his little heart out! (And, didn't even ask once what the snack was going to be!)

After the game we headed back to Topeka to spend the night. Scott had his fantasy football draft in Manhattan the next day (which he's won the last 3 years!) and I wanted to take the kids to our old church's carnival. We had SO much fun! They had all kinds of great things to do and we spent almost 4 hours there.

That's Papa in the dunk tank. The kids couldn't wait to dunk him! :)

We surprised Darby with a fun visit from two of her friends from Randolph! They had a GREAT time!

I showed off my muscles!

Scott and our friend, Matt, in the inflatable jousting ring!

I'm not sure who this guy is!?!

We had a fabulous time with all of our friends and family! A big shout-out to Anna and all the people who worked their butts off for the carnival! You guys did an amazing job and we were so grateful to be able to go! This weekend is looking promising for another busy few days. Someday soon, we're hoping to take a weekend off and relax...although I'm thinking it may be awhile! :)