Thursday, June 5, 2008

Summer Fun

Well, aside from cleaning up the 3 inches of water we got in our basement on Monday (we were going for the indoor pool-but 3 in. doesn't cut it), we have been having lots of fun this week.
Our neighbor's little boy, Nathan, came over last night for fun with the water hose. I was watering my plants and within 3.5 seconds had 3 children staring at me with swimsuits on. (They're like Superman-run into house and voila! swimsuits!). p.s. Yes, I DO realize that Darby's swimsuit is a wee bit small - we're retiring it today.

We've been making weekly trips to Scott's parents restaurant for free lunch/breakfast and down the strip there's a little grocery store with a pay phone outside of it. I don't know what my kids' obsession with pay phones is all about, but they love them. I'm not a fan - what with people putting drug needles laced with HIV in them. I know, I know - I'm paranoid and I'm okay with it. But, it's kind of cute to listen to them "call" people and have conversations with them.

Today, we went downtown to the capitol with our friends Jenny and Emily to have a "brown bag" lunch and dance to The Exceptions. They do this weekly and thanks to overcast skies, today was the day to go. (It wasn't at all for the free hot dogs, chips, and pop. But, that was a bonus!) My poor friend Jenny realized after we parked, walked, and sat for about an hour that she still had the change in her pocket that we were going to put in the meter. Oops! She is now the lucky owner of an $8 parking ticket. I did offer to pay for half of it! :)

If you look really closely, in that last pic they are all running around like chickens with their heads cut off. I swear, they did that for a half an hour straight. They had a blast.

This last picture is SimonBob being really grateful that his human mama is too busy (okay, lazy) to finish folding laundry. ;)
If I could be any animal I wanted, I'd most definitely be a cat!!