Thursday, July 10, 2008

Please Forgive Me....

I know, this blog sucks.

Or, maybe it's me that has the issues. I seem to have lost interest in just about everything lately. The kids and I mostly hang home....together....all day. Which is totally cool with me. But, they're getting tired of it, for sure.

I've really been struggling with my foot. I won't go into all of the disgusting, warty details. But, just to bring you up to speed, I'm now back to my original doctor because the THIRD doctor that I'd been passed off to was a complete idiot.
Everything came back, and then some, and so for awhile I honestly have felt very hopeless. This is very sad to say, but, I never in a million years would have felt pity for someone who had plantars warts. They just sound so, blah.....But, now that I've been dealing with them for 2 years, I have so much sympathy for anyone else who has gone through this. Google plantars warts some day when you're REALLY bored. I met someone who had them for 15 years. FIFTEEN! That's half of my life right at this moment.

I don't want to be that girl that every time you talk to me - all I talk about is my foot. (For those of you who've had to put up with that - I'm sorry and thanks!) So, I've kind of avoided this blog out of fear that that's the only thing I have to talk about. Hope you all don't mind that I'm bringing it up now. I actually have an appointment next week to discuss where we are going to go with treatment options, I've obviously exhausted all of the "normal" options and so, off we go with some "out of the norm" treatments. They include using formalin (similar to formaldehyde), immunity boosting injections, mumps injections, and bleomycin (a chemotherapy) injections. If all else fails, I do have the option of having a heel "transplant" which would totally stink. Especially, since I'm trying to go back to school. Can't do a lot of hair on crutches for 4 months. Not to mention the pain that my doctor is trying to control at the moment is no where near what it would be going that route.

So, there it is. There's where my mind is at. I'm sorry for the lack of interesting (or not so interesting) stories, pictures, and what-not. You know the cartoon character that walks around with the grey cloud over his head? That's been me the last couple of months. But, Thank God, I'm starting to feel the warmth of sunshine!


Anne said...

Annie- Hang in there. Sometimes the only way to see the sunshine and rainbow is through the rain.
Believe me when I say that I see this through experience, not oblivious sayings.

I will be praying for you.....