Wednesday, August 27, 2008

For You, My Dear Jolene.....

So, I got "tagged" by my dear friend, Jolene, to fill this out on my blog like 2 weeks ago. And, I'm actually getting to it! Although, a teeny tiny bit late! But, I DO have an excuse. As of last Tuesday I am officially a cosmetology student again. I'm having mixed feelings about it, so, we'll wait until I'm more comfortable again to talk about it. Anyway, here you go Jolene! Love you!

About me: A-Z
A - age - 29 least for a few more months
B - birthday - October 26th
C - candy or cake - chocolate
D - dessert you love - See above
E - easiest person to talk to - yeesh, depends on what i'm talking ABOUT!
F - favorite song - right now I'm hooked on all the songs from the living proof live event from a couple of weeks ago!
G - gold or silver - silver
H - habit - y'all know this one and I'm trying to quit
I - instruments - flute and piano in grade school
J - job title - mommy, student
K - kids - 2 - i think - i lose track some days!
L - love or lust - love
M - married or single - married
N - next to you - everything that needs picked up and put away
O - one wish - to be beth moore's very best friend
P - person you called last - my brother andrew
Q - quotes - mostly scripture right now, and mostly the ones about anxiety and being scared
R - reasons to smile - my family and friends
S - steak or pork - definitely not pork
T - turns you on - really? i have to answer this?
U - unique talent - triple folding my tongue-it's genetic?
V - vegetable - i heart carrots
W - woke up at what time - 6:30-scott has a breakfast every wed. morning so i get the kiddos ready by myself
X - xrays I've had - last year when that idiot ran a red light and hit me and they had to check my insides....i think that's it
Y - your favorite color - PINK!
Z - zodiac - i'm not into zodiac, but i know i'm a scorpio...i think

Do you feel like you know me better!?!?
Sarah, put that baby down, it's your turn to fill this thing out!!!


Anonymous said...

I'll get to it eventually! :o) You sure have gotten sentimental in the last few blogs...I love the one about Aidan, all of the pics are classic!

Anne said...

hey- I have to say that I was glad to read your answers... although we are turning 29 forever this year it took me back to times when we went to the mall or babysat or talked.... I have to say: I miss you, miss bridget like crazy, miss Erika. It is great to have your comments and comforting to see your name. Let me know if you can do my hair!!!! It will be like old times but instead of hydrogen peroxide it will be color. Love ya!!!!!!