Monday, October 5, 2009


So, I promised more blogging and then life happened and I chose the wrong way in the fork in the road. The one that headed towards illness, stress, and busy-ness (how do you spell that without spelling a workplace)? Wow, I blog again and that's what you get!

I'm working hard on my Esther Bible Study and LOVING IT! It's main theme is that It's Tough Being a I need to say anything more? I tried to cheat on some of the answers and went to but, I suggest you not do that unless you want to see a very scantily clad woman of maybe asian or hawaiian descent? Yep, I know how to find porn without really looking for it!

Work is good. The working for Scott is super good. I'm loving learning about what he does (not the nerdy part...don't get me wrong) and I'm having tons of fun working on some marketing ideas to build up our little office here in this part of the world.

Spending more of the day with Scott and being able to talk about more things we've suddenly been talking a lot about this life and the meaning to it...the everyday meanings and recently up came the word "Integrity" - shoot...I can't even spell it so we obviously haven't gotten all that far. These days nobody has manners anymore. People chew with their mouths open and cut in front of you in line...and most recently I found out that someone very close to me is telling people that I'm a terrible mother. Who does that? Is that what life is about? Hurting others to build yourself up? Scott and I want to be that couple, that family, those Christians that SCREAM "we are who we say we are and we'll do what we'll say we're gonna do and darn it we love you" I'm starting to sound a little Stuart Small-y. I'm just saying that why don't we make a point every day to do something nice for someone? Why don't we remember our manners and etiquette and if someone's hurting...get your butt over there and help instead of kicking them even harder?

I've challenged the kids to pick one point during the day to find a way to help another kid out at school. It can be picking something up for them that they've dropped, help them if they fall or are struggling with school work...anything that shows another child that they love them because that's what we're here for. Man, if I could share the excited stories I get every afternoon about ways that they've found to help.....I'm getting goosebumps right now.

So, no, I'm not the perfect mother...and, yes, sometimes I forget to say thank you when I should. But, you better believe that my heart is brimming, no, overfilled with love for my kids and the people they're loving all over every single day. And, worth any negative thing any person has to say about me.

It's tough being a woman in a mean, mean world...but, it's easy to get through it when you have a Super Man on your side!

"O to grace how great a debtor
Daily I'm constrained to be!
Let Thy grace, Lord like a fetter,
Bind my wandering heart to Thee.

Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it.
Prone to leave the God I love;
Here's my heart, O take and seal it,
Seal it for Thy courts above."

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Wild Weekend

We had a GREAT weekend and I just now finally got the pictures uploaded. I think there were over 100!
Friday night I overcame my co-dependancy and went to the Beth Moore simulcast by myself. I haven't really met anyone at our new church, yet, but I really, really wanted to go to the I put my big-girl britches on and went. There is nothing else like a Beth Moore Bible Study or Simulcast and if you ever want to be totally refreshed and reenergized by the Word of God you MUST do one of her studies! I could not have gotten through the last year without them!
On Satuday I had to miss the final day of the simulcast because the little mister had his first soccer game and I really didn't want to miss it. It was so cute...right before the game he looked at Scott and I and said "I'm scared...What if nobody remembers me?" I assured him that since they had just seen him 3 days before at practice I was certain that they would be able to remember him. I was really proud of him...he got out there and played his little heart out! (And, didn't even ask once what the snack was going to be!)

After the game we headed back to Topeka to spend the night. Scott had his fantasy football draft in Manhattan the next day (which he's won the last 3 years!) and I wanted to take the kids to our old church's carnival. We had SO much fun! They had all kinds of great things to do and we spent almost 4 hours there.

That's Papa in the dunk tank. The kids couldn't wait to dunk him! :)

We surprised Darby with a fun visit from two of her friends from Randolph! They had a GREAT time!

I showed off my muscles!

Scott and our friend, Matt, in the inflatable jousting ring!

I'm not sure who this guy is!?!

We had a fabulous time with all of our friends and family! A big shout-out to Anna and all the people who worked their butts off for the carnival! You guys did an amazing job and we were so grateful to be able to go! This weekend is looking promising for another busy few days. Someday soon, we're hoping to take a weekend off and relax...although I'm thinking it may be awhile! :)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Random thoughts...

I had a big happy blog all thought out in my head over the weekend and then everything just went to crap.
Two deaths, sick kiddo, laundry piled up...welcome to my life!
We're getting adjusted to the "real" life again. Working, school, PTA,'s all rushing back to me now. But, I can't complain too much. Things are going as smoothly as they possibly can. Aidan has a really bad cold and stayed home from school today. I'm thinking one good day of rest will help him get back on his feet again. But, at least there's no puking involved. And, it gives me a day to catch up a little (in between watching cartoons and waiting on a whiny 7 year old hand and foot).
One of my dearest and oldest friends' dad passed away unexpectedly and my great-uncle Leo also passed away this week. It's so good to know that they are both healthy and whole again in heaven...but, it's still so sad for those that are left here mourning. We've just about had enough deaths this summer. I'm hoping that, like everything else, this too shall pass...
I wish I had some pictures to post...but, I just don't. I'm hoping to get a little mini "tour" of our new house put together for those that haven't seen it, yet. But, I'm guessing the house will need to be clean for that...which may take awhile. :)
I just wanted to check in and let you know that I'm not taking another blogging sabbatical or had gone crazy from all of the insanity here. This weekend will be very busy and full of some exciting things so I should have a great post for next week.
Until then, know that I'm praying for each and everyone of you. This life is way too short to waste not telling everyone that you love just how much you love them or how often you think of them. I just love you all to bits and pieces and in no way, shape or form could have gotten through this last year without each and everyone of you! Big Hugs.....

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Back to Work!

Today was my first day back to work. I am working part-time at Scott's firm doing some admin stuff, small tax returns, and mostly payrolls for clients. I'm actually kind of excited to get back into an office environment, at least for a little while! The firm takes such good care of us and offered me the job until I figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life. Scott will be my "boss" so I'm excited to work with him throughout the week. We worked together the first 4 years of our dating/marriage which I thought would not work out (the working part, not the marriage part. okay, maybe sometimes both!) :), but, we do really well working together! Plus, he needs a chance to be in charge every once in awhile! It was so easy because I already know everyone and what the firm is about. It felt very comfortable going in today! The getting up at 6 a.m. - not so much. But, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!

I forgot how girly and pretty you feel when you get dressed up professionally. Thanks to some of my favorite people I was able to put together a brand new gorgeous outfit for my first day. Darby saw me this morning and said "Oh Mom, you look soo beautiful. Come over here...we need to take pictures of your first day!" So, I'm including the pictures of the fashion show. Don't pay any attention to the red's normal thanks to these wonderful things called hot flashes!

Tonight Aidan has his first soccer clinic. He's actually sitting here in his gear already. I'm thinking he might be excited? I can't wait to see how it goes. Although, if I hear "Is it time to go, yet?" one more time, I may have to kill him...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Welcome Back

Okay, so I know I took a break from blogging...obviously.
But, with my health and moving and everything else in our life it just seemed best if I spent my time focusing on the things that were in our face.
Now that we're getting back into the routine and making a new life here in KC, I thought it was high time I came back and did the thing...
We are moved. The kids are in school and I go to work TOMORROW!! It's been so awesome to see all of the prayers we begged for just covering our home, life, and everyday activities. So, thanks, for those that have been praying through our journey!
Obviously, things will not get less hectic, but, it will be nice to share thoughts, stories, prayer requests, and of course lots of pics as we get situated here.
Thanks for those of you still checking in on us. If you gave up, I don't blame you. But, if you're still here...welcome back. It's good to see you friend!

Changes, okay, revamping...

if you're still checking...bless your heart! but, i'm working on getting this back up again!! check back later!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Good Start (No, not the baby formula...)

You know it's going to be a good year when you start it off with the stomach flu! Everyone's writing about how this year is going to be a year of change....oh, yes, it is - change the sheets, change the p.j.'s, change the hand sanitizer 'cause it smells funny......

We had a really good holiday, as you can tell by my lack of posting. It was busy and crazy and just a little sad. So many new things coming our way this year. Where will we be next Christmas? I have no clue, but I DO know The One who does. He has it planned out for us and so I'll rest assured in His arms.

The kids really enjoyed the holidays, as always. I'm so amazed by their maturity this year. Things are tight....with everyone, and unfortunately we're living in a time where our kids actually know the meaning of "economy" and "market" - but, it's provided many a good lesson on the meaning of "gratefulness" and "contentment". What the enemy intends for harm, our God uses for good.

Scott was able to take several days off over the holidays and we used them to our advantage, because, as you know.....we won't see much of him until the end of April. We were talking about something going on this weekend when I remembered he starts working Saturdays this Saturday. It always comes too fast. He'll be traveling back and forth to K.C. every day starting next week. Pray for his safety and my sanity as we enter this time.

I've become obsessed with some books about Amish life and if you haven't heard me tell this before....When I read a book, I am literally transformed into the book. It takes me a good couple of days to adjust back to the real world. I think that's why I love reading so much. So, I had to put the books down when I'd stop myself in the middle of the "Oh, I should go get started on the milking and after that I think I'll whip up some homemade jams and jellies" thoughts. Yes, it gets that bad!

I'm having surgery in about 10 days. I'm on my knees that this is what will turn my health around. It gets old when people ask "How are you?" and, you just have to smile and say "Fine." or else they'll get the whole chapter book on periods and ovulation and other socially inappropriate topics. It's good we're all friends here and I can type these things unabashedly.

It's at this time that I would love to share wonderful pictures of our family celebrating the joy of Christmas with you all, but, then there's the problem of getting the pictures out of my camera that I never took! So, this is what you get, doesn't it kind of remind you of those "Christmas Letters" that a family member sends you every year? Except, they probably don't talk about vomiting and woman problems in those. Nope, pretty sure they don't......