Monday, January 28, 2008

Can You Believe It?

Finally, a post! We've been very busy, very sick, and very not at home. Scott's schedule continues to be hectic. We are trying to get through it. While others are dreading April 15th, I am so looking forward to it!

Aidan and I ended up getting the flu last week. We spent a lot of time laying in bed and watching Spongebob. But, we're better now!

Emma got a haircut a couple of weeks ago! You can tell by this picture how much she enjoyed it!! I just trimmed her bangs so she doesn't look like a ragamuffin anymore.

Much happier afterwards! :)

I love this picture of the three of them! They enjoy spending time together so much!
I'm off to enjoy the end-of-January/spring day! Aidan and I have been trying to run as many errands as possible today to avoid doing them once the arctic blast comes back in tomorrow. Can you believe it's at least 65 degrees today? I have the windows open! Yeah!

Monday, January 14, 2008

I Know.......

I've been promising pictures. But, the truth is, I haven't taken any. I'll make a mental note to take some this week. Last week only lasted 2 days (it felt like) and I don't even know where my camera is at this point. And, so, you'll have to learn patience! :)
We are in the planning process for our trip to Dallas over spring break in March to go stay with Aunt Nikki and visit the newly built American Girl Doll store. I've almost had to stop talking about it in front of one particular seven year old, because she's one of those kids that cannot stand waiting for something exciting that she knows about. So, I'm on covert operation to plan the dates and specifics. This is the excitement in my life.
Darby started at the Topeka Civic Theatre Academy last Thursday. She didn't really like soccer so much and so we made her finish the season last fall with the promise that she could choose something different for the spring. Aidan loves soccer, so, we'll still get to be involved - but, he informed us last night that he wants to try out for football too. (Which upon visioning makes me chuckle.) I'm not sure where he got the idea from, but he's determined, now.
So, Darby looked around at some different activities and decided she would like to try the Academy. She LOVED it! It's a 7-week program where they develop the acting, singing, etc. skills and at the end they put on a tiny little performance. But, it's my understanding that she can audition for something after she's completed the class. She finished the 1st class and went straight over to the audition boards and decided she wants to audition for Robin Hood this summer. Since it's over the summer and not during school I'm considering letting her. It's a very big schedule (Wed.-Sun. performances) and so, we're putting A LOT of thought into it. She has, however, only completed 1 class - so we'll see how the remainder goes.
I entered the year that I turn 30 by ordering new glasses last week. I've needed them for a really long time and kept avoiding the issue. During all this time my eyes got a lot worse and so I finally broke down and made the appointment with the eye doctor. The kids are so excited. I am not.

Monday, January 7, 2008

What Have We Been Up To?

So, we're officially addicted to a movie. It happens in our household.....a lot. But, usually it's 2 little people's addiction. This time, I have to admit that I'm guilty of fanning the fire. The kids have been asking us to rent this movie for a month now and I vetoed it because I, for some reason, thought it was completely inappropriate for children. But, under the influence of pain meds (legally - remember the foot surgery?) I relented and at least read the back of the movie. I guess I wasn't as informed as I thought I was, it's only rated PG. So, Scott and I decided there would be no harm in letting the kiddos watch this movie. Little did we know we'd start an obsession!! So, you're probably asking "What is this amazing movie????"

Yep, Hairspray. I've always been a big fan of musicals. My most favorite birthday present was a couple of years ago when Scott got me tickets to see Wicked while we were in Chicago. I was awed and amazed the entire time. So, Scott, your children and I are now requesting tickets to go see Hairspray. Maybe you can schedule some training in New York? :) Are they still on Broadway? Does anyone know?

Darby loves Hairspray for a whole other reason - see below.......

If you don't know who that's the one and only Zac Efron. Do crushes really start around 7 years old? At least she has good taste! :)
We are doing really well. Getting ready to go back to school tomorrow. Darby insists she doesn't want to go back. But, I know she'll be glad to be back once she gets there. She's my schedule following kiddo and really does much better when she's on a strict one. She's adjusting really well to the medication. It's showing a few side effects that we're not crazy about, but we'll give it until her March appointment.
Aidan has been back to preschool and so he's not too far out of routine. I got on the USD 501 website to look at the academic calendar so I can get our home calendar squared away and I saw that in April they are having Kindergarten Round-up. I kind of overlooked it and then my heart skipped a beat as I realized that he'll be going to that. My baby is going to kindergarten. It will be a sad, sad day at my house. And, a joyous one as we quit writing that monthly daycare/preschool check!! Wahoo!
Scott started the ominous "busy season" with a bang. So far his schedule has been manageable, but I know in time it will overrun our lives. We'll travel that road when we get there.
My foot is healing slowly but surely. I'm so glad the initial surgery is over with. However, I'm not one for exhibiting much patience, so I'm really, really, really working on that trait.
I'll post some pictures soon!!