So, we're officially addicted to a movie. It happens in our household.....a lot. But, usually it's 2 little people's addiction. This time, I have to admit that I'm guilty of fanning the fire. The kids have been asking us to rent this movie for a month now and I vetoed it because I, for some reason, thought it was completely inappropriate for children. But, under the influence of pain meds (legally - remember the foot surgery?) I relented and at least read the back of the movie. I guess I wasn't as informed as I thought I was, it's only rated PG. So, Scott and I decided there would be no harm in letting the kiddos watch this movie. Little did we know we'd start an obsession!! So, you're probably asking "What is this amazing movie????"

Darby loves Hairspray for a whole other reason - see below.......

We are doing really well. Getting ready to go back to school tomorrow. Darby insists she doesn't want to go back. But, I know she'll be glad to be back once she gets there. She's my schedule following kiddo and really does much better when she's on a strict one. She's adjusting really well to the medication. It's showing a few side effects that we're not crazy about, but we'll give it until her March appointment.
Aidan has been back to preschool and so he's not too far out of routine. I got on the USD 501 website to look at the academic calendar so I can get our home calendar squared away and I saw that in April they are having Kindergarten Round-up. I kind of overlooked it and then my heart skipped a beat as I realized that he'll be going to that. My baby is going to kindergarten. It will be a sad, sad day at my house. And, a joyous one as we quit writing that monthly daycare/preschool check!! Wahoo!
Scott started the ominous "busy season" with a bang. So far his schedule has been manageable, but I know in time it will overrun our lives. We'll travel that road when we get there.
My foot is healing slowly but surely. I'm so glad the initial surgery is over with. However, I'm not one for exhibiting much patience, so I'm really, really, really working on that trait.
I'll post some pictures soon!!
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