Saturday, February 2, 2008

For Every Action.......

......there's a reaction! Darby started new medication last night and this morning woke up to thighs swollen to twice their normal size and softball size welt-looking spots (hives?) and her entire lower half of her body was covered in a rash. I called the pediatrician's office to confirm that this was an allergic reaction and made sure I knew what to do for it. So, we loaded up on Benedryl and I told her that she had to take a bath. I told her I was sorry that it was going to have to be a little bit chilly to get the swelling down.............she looked at me HORRIFIED and said "You're making me take a bath in CHILI?!?!?" I love her.

So far, no more rash, no more hives, and no more chili-baths! :)