Tuesday, November 11, 2008

It's Days Like These.......

Yesterday was the kids' last annual visit to Dr. Cooley's office......Sigh.

Nurse Ellie and I shared a few laughs and a lot of tears as we reminisced over the last 8 years. The middle of the night phone calls for 103 degree fevers and Saturday visits. Oh, and the week Aidan had to go in EVERY SINGLE DAY for Rocephin injections in his teeny little one-year-old booty for a very persistant ear infection - he would cry as soon as he saw Ellie's face for the next year - he just knew she was going to hurt him again. And when Darby had her first seizure 5 years ago? Ellie and Dr. Cooley were there. They were there to take care of my kiddos, they were there to comfort me as a mommy, they were always there when we needed them. I know we'll find a good doctor in KC, but he/she won't be Dr. Cooley. And, the new doctor's nurse won't be any Ellie. They won't remember my babies when they were actual babies. Or, my brothers and me, as little kids. I know it's silly to be so emotional over a doctor's office, but, they were our security when we were facing RSV when Aidan was a baby and when we faced epilepsy with Darby as a toddler. That means a lot to me.

These are the days that are going to be hard as we face our next chapter. But, they also remind us what we have to look forward to when we get there.....new memories, new places, and new friends. Sure, we'll miss all of these things here, but they won't really be all that far away......about 60 miles to be exact! :)

p.s. The kids are super great! They are both very healthy and they had to endure their flu shots. But, we have a rule that when someone gets shots they get to pinch mommy's arm as hard as they want. I think I made out the worst in the whole process!


Anne said...

When is your move to KC? I have and will continue to pray for you. Do you all have a house yet? Give your dad your address and phone number and my dad can get it to me. Love you girl.... This time of year I get very into memories.....
you, Erika, Bridget, Wes, Joey, Shawn, Jared, Chad, Jack (had to throw him inthere :)), and well October and November do that to me..... memories are everywhere I turn in this town.... I am excited for you to build new ones. Everytime I drive by north 68 and 72 I think of you, Erika, and a very fun convertible......

Did you know Jamie (little one I babysat) Dances on Washburns dance team..... that should make me feel old but I would never go back. Even with being sick God has brought me a life I could never have dreamed.
Love you so much....