Friday, October 24, 2008

Happy Birthday Doodlebug!

Happy Birthday Gorgeous Girl!
Eight years ago today, you came into our lives, and we couldn't have been more excited! Your moods have always been contagious (yes, the good ones and the bad ones)! You're so smart and you've always used it to your advantage, like the time you weren't even 2 and I let you put lotion on in the morning and later that evening you came into the kitchen to tell me you could still smell your lotion. (If you hadn't forgotten to put the chair back, I would have never known you had snuck in for more!) You've always entertained us - when you were little with "The Look" and now your Mary Katherine Galligher-esque antics. Your teachers tell us every quarter how fabulous you are - helpful, courteous, caring and well-behaved. (We always wonder if we're talking about the right child when we leave there!) :) But, at the end of every day, I can always count on a hug and a kiss no matter what!
We know that some day you will be something great - once you get past the point of basing what you want to be when you grow up on what requires the least amount of schooling! We love you, little miss sunshine! You are the music in us!


Anne said...

Happy Birthday sweet Darby!!!

Happy Birthday to you my sweet friend. We had plans to come by but I was sick. I hope it was awesome and you had a wonderful time......

When are you guys headed to KC?