Thursday, October 23, 2008

Highs and Lows

I hinted, well actually lamented, a few weeks ago that we had some very exciting, and scary, things going on in our life and I'm so excited to say that I can FINALLY open my big mouth about everything! Wahoo!
Scott has been promoted to Manager at his firm that he's been with for the last four years. This would normally be very exciting news but the hard part is that with this promotion comes the fact that he'll actually be the manager of the Overland Park office. In a season of layoffs and economic uncertainty, this has been a really huge blessing and a very scary transition all at the same time. The possibilities are enormous, however, the losses will be also.
I'm a family kinda girl. I've lived in the same town my whole life. My kids were born at the hospital I was born in and their pediatrician was my pediatrician. So, you see, even though it's ONLY 60 miles's still 60 MILES AWAY! But, deep in our hearts we always kind of knew this would be where we'd end up. I keep reminding myself it could be a city away or a state like my friend, Sarah, who's entire family lives in Colorado! (Sarah, you keep me humble about complaining!) :)
Fortunately, through this entire process we've chosen to not focus on any one thing, except for God. There were so many pros and so many cons and we knew we couldn't make a decision without Him. So, once we left it up to Him, He showed us where to go. I can't count how many times we thought it wouldn't happen because of this, or that, or another thing. And, the next day that door would swing wide open.
SO, although it's going to be hard, and there are days that I'm going to be homesick and my kids will be homesick and Scott's going to be working very hard...we've chosen to do this together as a family.
I actually had questioned keeping this blog, since OBVIOUSLY, I'm not very good at keeping it up. One night, I was thinking about maybe the next day just taking it down and for some reason I thought - "No, I'm going to need it." And, here we are! You'll probably get to see how frustrating it is to pack up and move to another city for a control freak like myself. And, once we're there, it will be a great way to keep connected with our friends and family here day to day (or month to month since we all know how my blogging skills go).
So, there it is. We have a to-do list that's a mile long and many things to finish up here, but I know we'll get it done. And, according to the kids, once we get there "WOOHOO, Worlds of Fun EVERYDAY!"
Thanks for supporting us and for those of you who've had to listen to me blubber, thanks also. And, for everyone in Topeka, don't worry - I've already had Scott work gas money to drive back and forth every weekend into the budget! :)


Anne said...

I love you and am glad to see that the Lord is leading you and you are following. It is only an hour and I am there alot because of my doctor so we will meet up with you.

We will probably see you more then we do now!!!!

We will continue to pray for you and if we can help let us know!!!!