Sunday, March 23, 2008

Does This Make My Arm Look Fat?.....and Random Pics

So, I baked last week. We took dinner to our friends who's baby just got home from the hospital and I baked their older children some chocolate chip cookies. I was talking on the phone and pulled the pan out and got the inside of my arm. Well, I have some ointment here that has an antibiotic and numbing stuff in it and so I immediately put it on. As the last few days went on, the red around the actual wound kept getting bigger and my arm swelled up to the point where I couldn't even bend my elbow. So, I assumed I was having some sort of allergic reaction to the ointment and started taking Benadryl and coating it with hydrocortisone cream. After church this morning, and several urges to "have a doctor look at that", I finally had my mom take me to an urgent care place and sent Scott and the kids off to hunt Easter eggs. Apparently, when you put ointment on a burn, it seals the heat in and creates a burn under the skin, which can then get infected. And, since my luck happens to be the way that it is......all of the above happened to me. I have a 9 inch by 9 inch "wound" all on the inside of my arm and am now taking oral and external antibiotics. Moral of this story? Don't bake and talk on the phone at the same time. (And, according to the doctor, when you get a burn - the only thing you should ever put on it is human urine. Yep, I said it, pee on yourself. Um, no thank you, I'll stick with cold water.) So, I have to wear the above pictured "dressing" until I go back and see the doctor on Wednesday. And, of course I didn't get pics of the kids in their cute Easter outfits, so you'll have to settle for the ones below!

This is where I found Miss Darby "napping" a few weeks ago when she was not feeling well. And, in the middle of the living room, none the less!

First soccer game of the season. It was 40 degrees with 40 mile an hour winds. Good thing we love him enough to sit out there. And, good thing they don't keep score, it wouldn't have been worth it! :)