Sunday, March 30, 2008

Look What Came to Our House!

I know the picture isn't very clear (dumb camera) but if you look real close, you can see about 10 little red guys who look suspiciously like chicken pox. Figures. This kiddo can't catch a break! His sugery recovery has gone really well (aside from the nights full of choking and gagging on what I assume is drainage - yuck & Friday's vomiting marathon). He's doing great with the pain and after lots of cajoling he'll rest for us. But, today he started running a fever and a few hours later the little red spots started showing up. Hopefully, he'll have the same experience Darby had - about 10-15 spots that go away quickly. That would be thanks to the vaccine they give kids these days. By the way, whatever you do, DON'T google chicken pox images. At least wait until your stomach can handle what pops up! :)