I'm well aware that my level of domestication lies somewhere between a can of Spaghetti-O's and store bought birthday cake (Hey, I make sure to have them add the "Happy Birthday so-and-so"!!). Although, every couple of months I feel that urge to become a proper housewife and attempt a feat of homemade something-or-other. This time it was "Melt In Your Mouth Mint Chocolate Sugar Cookies." So far, there haven't been any reported cases of food poisoning. Which is fabulous - I really didn't want to go to prison for murder by baking. It's pitiful when you overhear your 7 year old's conversation on the phone go something like this....."Yes, she really, really BAKED the cookies! She didn't go to the store and buy one of those container things and CALL them cookies. She actually GOT THE INGREDIENTS OUT OF THE CUPBOARD AND MIXED IT ALL TOGETHER TO MAKE THE COOKIES!" WOW - I DO still have the ability to impress my kids! Chalk one up for Supermom! :)
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