Darby was out of school yesterday so we were looking for something to do and I suddenly remembered that I had bought a zoo pass earlier this summer. We thought it would be fun to go (even though we had to bundle up.) But, I was worried that since all schools were out it would be really busy. Little did I know!

We only saw 2 other people there the whole time. We had time to read the signs and watch the animals and didn't have to worry about moving out of anyone's way. It was so awesome. I loved all of the questions the kids asked!

The animals were so interactive and playful. Aidan was pawing at this black leopard and the cat was pawing back! We were all giggling so much! Sometimes, I complain that our zoo stinks (especially compared to the grand one in Omaha.) But, I've never really had time to explore ours like we did yesterday. I think I'll change my tune.................
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