As we walked into Aidan's preschool this morning, we ran into Beth (the director of the preschool and friend of ours.) Beth asked Darby how many teeth she's lost so far. Darby showed her the one she's been working on for the last few weeks and Beth asked if she could pull it. Apparently, Beth is the tooth-pulling expert because within a nano-second she had that sucker out! (Darby and Andrew worked on it for an hour solid the other night - complete with anbesol and lots of bleeding - and no such luck.)
Looks like the tooth fairy will be visiting tonight.......if I remember...........the last 2 teeth have earned us the "Bad Parent of the Day" award since we forgot and woke up to a dissapointed little person. (Thank goodness, the "I think the tooth fairy was busy......go check now........I'm sure she came by this morning!" worked, or we'd be in big trouble!) :)
...................if only her two front teeth were ALL she wanted for Christmas!!!
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