Scott's schedule has been hectic (as usual) and so the kids and I have (barely) survived the past few weeks. My wedding ring broke. And we even had the bonus of passing the stomach flu around our house in the middle! I've been researching sayings, bible verses, etc. to paint in our dining room and I'm leaning strongly toward "Whatever Doesn't Kill You Will Make You Stronger." :)
I found out last week that I have to have a second surgery on my foot in January. In October I had a plantar's wart "removed" from my foot. I've been fighting this stupid thing for about 9 months and my podiatrist had decided to "excise the tissue." Well, excise the tissue must be latin for "lots of pain for nothing". The dumb thing came right back. So, in a few weeks I'm going to ANOTHER podiatrist to have it removed AGAIN with a laser. Apparently, THAT will kill it? If you have any good suggestions on how to get around in winter weather with a surgery shoe and crutches, please feel free to share! (P.S. when you notice something on your heel that doesn't go away and continues to spread - don't wait until it's massive to see a doctor about it! Buy some Compound-W and duct tape and get rid of it - FAST!)
On to the good stuff:

Darby and I went to an awesome little Christmas party/gift exchange last weekend with a group of girls that Darby's known since she was 2. These girls all went to First Christian together and have developed a tight little bond. It's amazing to see that even though we've all moved on to different schools once these girls are together they're immediately best buds again. Darby had a great time. And, luckily their moms are fun to hang out with too! :)

Say hello to the newest member of our family. Little Charlie Brown came to live with us a week ago. He's a miniature dachshund and the kids' Christmas gift from Goose and Gandar (Scott's grandparents) and Uncle Jon. He's a lot of fun and a LOT of work. We are crate training him and housebreaking him and he's doing really well. Darby loves to dress him up and the sad thing is I think he likes it, too! (See below...........)

(Nikki - do your super-sewing abilities include doggie dresses, also!?!? :)
We, of course, had to have a visit from Emma. She actually let me put little pigtails in her hair. I think they look so cute! This picture is of her telling me "NO!" That's her favorite word these days and apparently the only response she knows when you ask her a question!

And, finally, throughout this season of shopping, Christmas parties, decorating, baking, etc., etc., etc. let us not forget the season of Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving is not the season of bows and presents and trees and presents and commercials for more presents, I know - but it's so overlooked in our rush to get to the sales at 5 a.m. and all the other crazy things we do to get ready for one day of Chaos/Christmas (at least at my house.) And, so, I'm trying, daily, to stop and remember'm beyond thankful for my family. My babies and my husband. My parents and beyond. My friends - they're family too! I AM thankful for our hectic life (even when I complain about it) because it reminds me that I HAVE a life and I'm thankful that I can still get up each day to face it. I'm thankful for the people who read this blog, because I know it means that you care! And, as silly as it sounds, I'm also thankful for little things like my camera because it's a way that I can chronicle all of these things and days and moments so that someday (I can't believe I'm going to say this....) when I'm OLD and can't do the things I do everyday......I can look back on all of these things and be THANKFUL! :)
I am thankful for you, too! We love to see those pictures - I only wish we could see each other in person more often!!
Congrats on the newest member of your family!! He's adorable!!
We miss you guys, too! You know, there are colleges in Kansas that need teachers, too! :)
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