Yesterday, after I posted I went to get cleaned up. (Yes, I admit, I shower at 2:30 in the afternoon somedays! - That's the rebel side of my life.) Anyway, I noticed - after months of using it - that the foundation I've been using says, and I quote, "Reduces Signs of Fatigue" WHAT?!?!? If you look really closely and pretend that my camera is of better quality you can see it right below the red circle! I'm thinking about sending it in to get my money back because I'm pretty sure that it's NOT WORKING! :)

When I went to pick Darby up from school I had planned a little "surprise" for the kids. So, I tell them that we're going to a super neat place. Of course, they both (in unison - I might add) yell "Chuck E. Cheese!!!!!" Now, why is it that EVERYTIME I have something cool planned it gets ruined because whatever I've thought up is NEVER as exciting as Chuck E. Cheese? I, for one, am an avid hater of Chuck E. Cheese. I'd rather stick a fork in my eye than spend an hour in that place! I do have to admit that every once in awhile, I relent. (And, so has my mom - if you haven't seen the poem on that one - request it - you WILL laugh!) So, onto my project - we have a really cute little scrapbooking store not far from our house. I frequent the place around birthday time because they have the cutest stuff and even though it costs 337 times as much to make birthday party invitations as opposed to just buying them, I LOVE doing it. (Remind me that I said this while I'm grumbling over how time consuming and stupid this idea is as I'm working on them!) We went and picked out some cute Christmas paper........

And after an arduous 15 minutes chalk-full of glue sticks and patterned scissors........ (little red t.v. is a portable, battery operated t.v., radio, and flashlight in one - hey, I'm prepared for ice storms!!)

We have paper chains to decorate our rooms with! (Note, my doofus son - he's pretty proud of the chain that Mommy cut, and glued, and put together - that's his!) And, he's without glasses because for the one millionth time they're broken. The people at the optical place know us by first name. Good thing those babies have a great warranty! The project went well, by my standards, and the children were only a hair below the Chuck E. Cheese satisfication level.
Darby came to me yesterday and said "Mom, I have a question." I've learned that when I'm being prepared for a question, it's immediate cause for heart palpatations and a lump lodges itself in my throat! She says "Did I get born............(insert my wide eyes and lack of breathing at what's to come).......on my birthday?" Whew! Isn't it amazing that the things that we know, that we take for granted, are legitimate causes of concern for a 1st grader?!? I assured her that she WAS born on her birthday and that she didn't get born, she was born. Remember, one of my career choices was to be an English teacher? Yeah, me neither. But, it's a pet peeve of mine!
If you think about it, please pray for our family for the next two days. My dad is having a pretty serious operation in KC and I'm traveling there (by myself - which is worth praying for in it's own right) amidst all of the treacherous road conditions. Scott will be with the kids (again - much praying requested on this one.) I expect to be there for the next few days and hopefully home by Friday, if all goes well. I'm super nervous about leaving the care of my family in Scott's hands......namely, the lack of control that I will have over running the household!
I'm sure he'll do fine - I think...........
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