My dad is not doing real well, but they've gotten some things figured out. He'll stay in ICU until they can make sure he's more stable. That's really a relief because it means there will be constant watch over him. Pray that he'll recover quickly and strongly.
Darby's neurologist called today. He's such a goofball. But, I guess if you're working with kids' brains all the time you'd have to find an outlet. Apparently, his is being weird. He's very nice and very understanding of my feelings and beliefs, which I really appreciate. He's decided to try Darby on some medication. It's a very mild medication with little to no side effects. The fact that her seizures have changed in presentation and are happening more frequently (we and he are pretty sure she's having them in her sleep more regularly) is a little bit concerning. And, now that she's had one where she's actually lost consciousness it's a lot more frightening. We have to start thinking about leaving her in the bathtub without supervision and playing on jungle gyms, etc. and decide at what level we need to take the chance of her having a seizure into consideration. So, we'll try the medication. He said he won't twist my arm to do it and we'll evaluate her in 2 months to decide if it's working or if she's having any ill side effects. If she is, then, we'll wean her off of it. Pray that it helps and doesn't hinder her. One of the possible side effects is mood changes - I can't imagine what THAT would be like! :)
Well, I'm off to prepare for more winter weather. I've heard we could be looking at 6 - 8 inches of snow. How many more days until summer???
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