Wednesday, December 12, 2007


About 10 minutes after I posted the last entry, we actually ended up losing our power!! So, we bundled up and carried all of the blankets upstairs to sleep together.............while visions of electicity danced in our heads. No such luck. We could hear the branches breaking off of trees and hitting things. Thankfully (kind of) USD 501 had cancelled school because THEY were without power too, so we didn't have to worry about getting anyone to school! But, we DID have to worry about packing (me) and bathing and doing all of our morning "stuff" by candlelight and flashlights. I think the lesson for today was being okay with not being in control. Not freaking out. I think I failed.
Anyhow, I made it to KC and just left the hospital. The surgery went okay. It was actually more difficult than they thought and took over 7 hours. We were there for about 14 hours total. So, I am exhausted - physically and emotionally.
Scott took the kids out to my dads so he could work and they could be warm. Apparently, sometime today our power came back on, which I'm really, really thankful for since some people have been told it could take up to 7-10 days to restore theirs.
I hope to be home tomorrow afternoon, but you know, the Legends shopping center is on my way home. So who knows!?!? :)