So, I finally got motivated to wrap some Christmas presents. Have you ever noticed that you spend a good amount of time picking out the paper, the ribbon, the bow, the tag - wrap it just so - make sure the edges are all straight - just so someone can rip it off in .325 seconds? I, especially, am really picky about all of these things and how they're placed under the tree so that it's picture perfect and really, what does it matter? :)
These are normal days at our house - as normal as they can get with two kids, two cats, and a wiener dog. Charlie is adjusting well. Simon and Nory still hate him, but he's really gotten brave and runs after them now. Eventually, he'll probably get an eye scratched out and that will be that!
Aidan went to see the new Alvin and the Chipmunks movie last week and Terri (Scott's mom) bought him the Chipmunk Christmas c.d. because he LOVED the movie. So, I've been listening to nothing but chipmunks the last 2 days. I'm sure you remember the "I still want a huuuuuuuuuuula hoop!" song. It's literally super glued into my brain. I miss the Go Fish Guys. They're at least fun to listen to - if you haven't heard them - you have to go to their website (I have the link on the right side of this page) and listen to the clip of "The Mom Song." They're so fun. Aidan has been really silly this last week. On Sunday we were counting the cars driving in the opposite direction (hey, you do what you have to do to keep them occupied) and Aidan yelled at all of us to "Be Quiet! I'm TRYING to read my mind!" I asked him what exactly he was reading in his mind and he told us that "Right now, I'm trying to read that you'll be quiet counting cars!" And, last night he asked Scott, "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Scott said, "I don't know. What are you thinking?" Aidan said "I don't know." Scott said "Well, then, I guess we're thinking the same thing." He's so goofy! :)
Darby is doing well. She's adjusting to life on medication and we really haven't noticed any side effects other than a little sleepiness. We're adjusting to remembering to give her the medicine. I can hardly remember to take medication myself, so this IS a challenge. We'll take it one day at a time, I suppose. She's very excited about winter break, but not nearly as excited as she is about Christmas. My kids have always struggled with how Santa really gets into our house since we don't have a chimney. Dale, our minister, and his wife Marsha gave us the neatest thing last weekend. It's a "Santa Key." It's an actual key that has a Santa "head" on it and you hang it on your front door for Santa to use. I have NEVER seen one of these. Although, I forget how detailed my daughter is and so we've had lots of conversations about only Santa being able to use it and no "buggler's." Now that that's all cleared up, she's thrilled. She checks every day to make sure it's still there.
The next 7 days will probably be pure madness. We have a ton of things going on, so I'll probably be silent for awhile (did you think that could really happen?)
Every year I have really great intentions on sending out Christmas cards, a Christmas Letter, or a Christmas picture. If I'm lucky, I get the cards signed and then they go into the Christmas box for next year's attempt. This year, I didn't even look at them. So, this is my new version of a Christmas card..........

Have a wonderful Christmas!
Hug your family members and tell them how much you love them and appreciate who they are in your life. Which reminds me, you all mean a lot to me! :) Remember the reason we celebrate. And, enjoy every moment of every day of this season!
Love to you all!
Scott, Anne, Darby, and Aidan :)
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