Can you believe it's the last day of this year? My, has it flown by! We've had a lot of changes in our house this year and it's amazing to think about how at the time they seemed so huge. But, now, they are just things of the past.
Christmas came and went with the grand flourish that it is. The kids had a great time (of course.) Lots of traveling over the river and through the snow. It's been awhile since we've actually had white on the ground during Christmas. And I appreciated it for those couple of days. But, now I wish it would just melt away.
Miss Darby acquired a new American Girl doll. (Big surprise, I'm sure.) The way American Girl works is to infiltrate your entire existence. Their catalog comes 4 times a month, I swear. And, they were on Oprah about a month ago. So, that's all we've heard about. It doesn't help that they have a million dolls to choose from and so the list for a need for each one never ends. Julie - the 1970's-era girl came to live with us. She's actually my favorite one - which made it easy for Santa to ponder the idea about bringing her home. The next one on the list is Mia - the girl for 2008. Darby has it all planned out. She's going to save, save, save every penny she gets so that when we go to the new store in Dallas in March she can get her. I have a feeling I'll have to save, save, save as well for this trip. I doubt that when she walks into that store she'll only be able to walk out with a doll. We'll see.
Aidan crossed the bridge into a video system playing kind of kid. Which I swore would never happen, I have to tell you. But, he enjoys it and we actually limit his time playing and most of the time he plays with at least one of us. I just don't want him glued to a control with his face never to leave the screen again.
Thursday I called the new podiatrist to see if there was anything he could do until my surgery in January for my foot. It had gotten to the point where no shoe and/or being shoeless had become quite uncomfortable. They called me back Thursday afternoon and said that they could actually reschedule the surgery for Friday morning. After a quick assessment of our schedule and recruiting grandmas to watch the kiddos....we plowed through the newly fallen 4 inches of snow bright and early Friday morning and got it done and over with. If you ever have laser surgery while awake, I suggest you wear nose plugs. I won't go into details. Just trust me on this one. I have no heel left. I guess that's the point, to just wipe it all clean and get rid of the virus, but it's still disgusting to look at. So, I don't. I'm just glad to have it done and start the healing process. He said that it takes the normal skin cycle process (28 days) to heal enough to walk on, so 25 more to go! Pray that it goes quickly. I don't do well being incapacitated and watching my house move along without me. There are dishes to be done and laundry to be washed. Darby has been a HUGE help. Of course, I'm going to have to retrain her after this period of helplessness that when I call her name it WON'T mean that I need something. It's like an automatic response now, I get the semi-willing face. It's kind of cute actually. She reminds me a lot of me. :)
I hope everyone has had a great 2007 and looks forward to an even better 2008!
Monday, December 31, 2007
Goodbye 2007
Posted by The Martins at 8:37 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!

Sugar fix! Happy Birthday Jesus!

8 inches of snow! This is at about 7:00. And, Scott had already shoveled once.
What a good day to stay inside and bake and have a birthday party!
Posted by The Martins at 7:23 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Okay, so.......
I know I declared a vow of silence, but I had to report that Scott passed his second section of the exam (the Audit section - go figure, it's what he does every day!) We are very proud of him and his diligence in getting these things passed! 2 down, 2 to go!! Wahoo! :)
Posted by The Martins at 5:47 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas!

Have a wonderful Christmas!
Hug your family members and tell them how much you love them and appreciate who they are in your life. Which reminds me, you all mean a lot to me! :) Remember the reason we celebrate. And, enjoy every moment of every day of this season!
Love to you all!
Scott, Anne, Darby, and Aidan :)
Posted by The Martins at 5:29 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 17, 2007
Ah, Monday at last!
I have to tell daughter has an amazing little voice. The kids' Christmas choir at church had their little performance yesterday during both services. Of course, Aidan played with his sleeves and rocked back and forth into the boy next to him and sang maybe every 6th word. Typical. But, Darby had what she called a "solo with Titus." I told her that it's actually a duet since she's singing with another person, but she feels VERY strongly that it was a solo - I pick my battles and this just wasn't worth it.
I have obviously had a rough week and I was feeling very "why me?" yesterday morning and I think at that moment, God decided to touch my heart. During first service it was just Scott and I there (our family all came to the second service) She got up to sing her solo/duet and I could NOT believe the voice that this child has considering her father and I can't carry a tune if our lives depended on it. Of course, it's a 7 year old voice, but several people turned around and looked at us and said "Wow!" Of course Mommy-pride took over and the tears started to well. But, I think at that moment I realized that it's not HER voice, it's her GIFT from God. Just like what He gives me - I can HANDLE things. I can HANDLE what comes at me because it's not based on MY strength, it's based on HIS. If I could let go and know that I am not in control.......EVER......I think I can get through these things. I think that I need to remind myself of that all the time.
My friend, Anne, just posted on one of my favorite verses in the Bible "Be still, and know that I am God." I guess sometimes you like the way something sounds, but if you really dig into it and apply it, it has SO much more meaning than you can understand. I have a really hard time being still. I have a really hard time just knowing that God is God. I am not. I am not in control. I am not the boss. I am not the one who makes things happen. And, I am not the one who picks me up when I feel like I just can't handle anything, anymore, ever. I cannot rely on me anymore. If you like to read, James - our youth minister, gave me a really good book called I Am Not But I Know I AM. It has all of these principles in it. I guess I hadn't really applied what I had read until yesterday.
Sorry, to get into all of that. I guess it's just easier to get these things out there. To just say them. Maybe that makes it more real?
I have to add, that before the services yesterday morning. It was about 7:30 and we were on our way there, so we were all in our "I really didn't want to get up this early" moods. Darby all of a sudden said "Mommy, do you think we could just have me sing and maybe get rid of all of the other kids. I COULD just do the whole thing one big solo." I was hoping she just got up on the wrong side of the bed, but I think I could possibly be raising a future diva. Yeesh.
Posted by The Martins at 8:28 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 14, 2007
Love to see you SMILE!

Posted by The Martins at 4:33 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Is This Day Over?
So, today actually went downhill.....really, really fast! When I got to the hospital this morning, I knew something was up because my dad was having a lot of trouble with his heart rate and blood oxygen levels. The nurses weren't TOO frazzled, but you could tell they were bustling. Amidst all of this my cell phone rang. Scott called me to tell me he was on his way to the school. Darby had a seizure and went unconscious (sp?) and fell and hit her head. They said she had regained consciousness and was doing okay. So, I gave him all of the important numbers (pediatrician, neurologist) and told him I would wait to hear from him once he actually SAW her. (Lord knows the interstate does NOT need a completely frazzled me traveling down it!) The pediatrician said to take her home and keep an eye on her and call the neurologist, so that's what he did. I'm really blessed to have his calmness, because I was totally freaking out! Once I turned back into "the one in control of herself" I hopped in the mini-van and headed home. It felt SO good just to touch her! The nurse from Dr. Katz's office (our neurologist) said there wasn't much we could do. She's a diagnosed epileptic so the next step is for the doctor to decide if he wants to see her or put her on anti-seizure medication (which I've been totally against, and he's supported it - the side effects can be worse than the seizures.) It's now 7:05 p.m. and we haven't heard from him.....of course, it takes on average 6 months to get into him normally, so I'm thinking it will be next week before we know anything.
Okay, so I'm home at this point and snuggling her on the couch and my stepmom calls to tell me that they moved my dad to ICU. They thought he was having a heart attack and may be septic. Talk about being torn.........I checked back with Dr. Katz's nurse and she okayed Darby traveling (she would be at a hospital after all.) So, we packed back up and headed back down there. The surgeon and cardiologist determined it wasn't a heart attack after all, but there is some seriousness with an infection, so they're following a sepsis protocol. He should be out of ICU sometime tomorrow. Thank God.
I think I'll shut my brain off and take a hot bath and wait for tomorrow! :)
Posted by The Martins at 6:56 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
About 10 minutes after I posted the last entry, we actually ended up losing our power!! So, we bundled up and carried all of the blankets upstairs to sleep together.............while visions of electicity danced in our heads. No such luck. We could hear the branches breaking off of trees and hitting things. Thankfully (kind of) USD 501 had cancelled school because THEY were without power too, so we didn't have to worry about getting anyone to school! But, we DID have to worry about packing (me) and bathing and doing all of our morning "stuff" by candlelight and flashlights. I think the lesson for today was being okay with not being in control. Not freaking out. I think I failed.
Anyhow, I made it to KC and just left the hospital. The surgery went okay. It was actually more difficult than they thought and took over 7 hours. We were there for about 14 hours total. So, I am exhausted - physically and emotionally.
Scott took the kids out to my dads so he could work and they could be warm. Apparently, sometime today our power came back on, which I'm really, really thankful for since some people have been told it could take up to 7-10 days to restore theirs.
I hope to be home tomorrow afternoon, but you know, the Legends shopping center is on my way home. So who knows!?!? :)
Posted by The Martins at 10:19 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
2 Days of Updating - Who'd have thought...............

Posted by The Martins at 6:29 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 10, 2007
'Tis the Season.........
I'm FINALLY catching my breath from the last two weeks and posting. (Warning: many pictures following!)

Posted by The Martins at 1:01 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
All She Wants for Christmas.................

Posted by The Martins at 12:46 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 24, 2007
This is how you babysit Emma.......

And, if all else fails.........................
This'll contain her! :)
Posted by The Martins at 10:17 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Congratulations Mr. Martin!!
(Scott passed the F.A.R. section of the C.P.A.!!!!)
1 down, 3 to go! :)
Posted by The Martins at 8:19 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 16, 2007
Phone Directories, Gingerbread House, and a Biker Bar
Do you know what 7 year olds do when the new school phone directory comes out? They call each other..........A LOT! I think my phone rang 14 and a half times yesterday between 3:45 and 5:30 (when all of the parents got home and restricted their children's phone use.) I even got a whispered "Is Darby there?" from a cell phone. Someone pilfered their mom's cell and placed a secret phone call from the closet. Yeesh!
Darby's class went on a field trip to TPAC today to make gingerbread houses. This is her creation. I've heard "Can I eat it?" 237 times in the 20 minutes she's been home. I've set the "Wait 'till your father gets home" rule. I'm fairly certain I just caught her licking a candy corn.......... Aidan always goes with me on Friday mornings to church to work (since it's a short day.) He usually packs a bag of toys, movies, etc. to keep him occupied and then follows Dale and James around instead. Today he was actually playing cars on my desk while I worked. I heard the usual "Vroom, vroom" and a conversation about going inside. I asked him where the cars were and he nonchalantly replied "A biker bar." Keeping my calm, I asked what it is that cars actually DO at biker bars and I got this..........."Mostly they just walk inside and turn around to leave so they can go race again." Whew!!!
I question Aidan's "imagination" all of the time until Scott reminded me last night that I've convinced him that my "night job" is a ninja and I have to be to work on time and that's why HE needs to get to bed on time. Aidan wanted to see my moves last night but I told him that the Head Ninja doesn't allow me to share them. He said "Or else he'll have to kill me?" I'm breeding geniuses here!
Posted by The Martins at 3:51 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 15, 2007
I Baked....................

I'm well aware that my level of domestication lies somewhere between a can of Spaghetti-O's and store bought birthday cake (Hey, I make sure to have them add the "Happy Birthday so-and-so"!!). Although, every couple of months I feel that urge to become a proper housewife and attempt a feat of homemade something-or-other. This time it was "Melt In Your Mouth Mint Chocolate Sugar Cookies." So far, there haven't been any reported cases of food poisoning. Which is fabulous - I really didn't want to go to prison for murder by baking. It's pitiful when you overhear your 7 year old's conversation on the phone go something like this....."Yes, she really, really BAKED the cookies! She didn't go to the store and buy one of those container things and CALL them cookies. She actually GOT THE INGREDIENTS OUT OF THE CUPBOARD AND MIXED IT ALL TOGETHER TO MAKE THE COOKIES!" WOW - I DO still have the ability to impress my kids! Chalk one up for Supermom! :)
Posted by The Martins at 4:08 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Pennies From Heaven.....
Posted by The Martins at 4:59 PM 1 comments
Monday, Monday..........................

We only saw 2 other people there the whole time. We had time to read the signs and watch the animals and didn't have to worry about moving out of anyone's way. It was so awesome. I loved all of the questions the kids asked!

Posted by The Martins at 10:17 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 12, 2007
Weekend Fun

Posted by The Martins at 5:03 PM 1 comments
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Just another Thursday night!
Posted by The Martins at 9:46 PM 1 comments
I didn't have time at lunch, but I wanted to add this....
(Emma says cheese when you try to take a picture, now! It comes out looking like this!)
Posted by The Martins at 4:21 PM 0 comments
Halloween Pic
Posted by The Martins at 12:38 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Some Aidan Funnies.......
On Friday, I was putting the slides up in the sanctuary for Sunday's church service. Aidan is sitting next to me on the pew while I'm working on the computer and picks up the microphone sitting next to us. He stands up and says "Dis one's for aaalllllllll de ladies out dere.........Jesus loves me dis I know......." and breaks into full Wayne Newton-esque song.
We're coming home from exchanging curtain rods and my hands are full and I ask Aidan if he can please get the door for me. He said "Sure, dat's what best friends are FOR."
And, finally, Scott and I are talking (dreaming) about new cars and which one we'd want if we could choose. Aidan says "Excuse me, Mom, but the driver doesn't pick the car. The car picks the driver."...........If you've ever seen Transformers, you'll know where this comes from.
Posted by The Martins at 7:02 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Okay, I'm going to try this.................
Darby and I are going to try and keep this updated. We'll see........................
Posted by The Martins at 10:12 PM 0 comments